
Touch me not

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Touch me not “Mimosa pudica”

Mimosa pudica, commonly known as the sensitive plant or touch-me-not, is a fascinating and unique plant known for its ability to respond to touch or stimulation. Here are some key characteristics and information about Mimosa pudica:

  1. Leaf Movement: Mimosa pudica is famous for its rapid leaf movements in response to touch or physical stimulation. When touched, the compound leaves fold inward and droop, appearing to “shy away” or close. This phenomenon is an adaptive response to potential threats from herbivores.
  2. Botanical Description: It is a creeping perennial plant with compound leaves consisting of numerous small leaflets. The plant produces small, globe-shaped, pink to purple flowers that resemble puffballs.
  3. Native Range: Mimosa pudica is native to South and Central America but has become naturalized in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.
  4. Cultivation: It is often grown as an ornamental plant and is known for its curiosity-inducing leaf movements. Mimosa pudica can be cultivated in gardens or as a potted plant. It prefers well-draining soil and partial to full sunlight.
  5. Medicinal Uses: In traditional medicine, Mimosa pudica has been used for various purposes. Some traditional practices include using the plant to treat skin conditions, digestive issues, and respiratory problems. However, its medicinal properties are not extensively studied or well-established.
  6. Biological Significance: The leaf-folding response of Mimosa pudica is a result of rapid water loss from specialized cells called pulvini, which are located at the base of each leaflet. This defense mechanism helps the plant avoid herbivory.
  7. Other Names: Besides sensitive plant and touch-me-not, Mimosa pudica is known by various names in different regions, including humble plant, shameplant, and sleepy plant.

While Mimosa pudica is primarily grown for its intriguing leaf movements and as an educational curiosity, it’s essential to note that its medicinal uses should be approached with caution, and professional medical advice should be sought for any health-related concerns. Additionally, in some regions, it may be considered an invasive species.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

Full Sun, Partial Sun


Fertile, Moist, well-drained Soil

Rate of Growth


Flowering Period

Non Flowering


Pot & ground


approximate 1 years


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